Catch up post of photos I promised:

I have found the lead for my camera again.  Can you tell?

I really ought to keep it in a safe place.  The same safe place every time.  It’s a novel idea and it just might work.

So, here are a random assortment of photos that I promised over the last few weeks and have only just gotten around to delivering.  In no particular order:

The glorious glass snowflake, light catching window ornament thing that Mrs. Jones made for me for Christmas with her own fair and very skilled hands.

I really wanted to take a picture of it hanging in the window, but I am rubbish at arty photography and the colours came out better in the box.  Mrs. Jones is thinking of making these to sell, along with her gorgeous jewelery.  I think she should.  She is a very self-deprecating lady, but she is a craft genius and I envy her ability to just whip things up. She has new projects on hand this year and I am dying with curiosity to know what they are.  Check out her blog for updates.

My gorgeous Japanese dolls that my parents bought me for Christmas:

I have wanted proper Japanese dolls ever since I read Miss Happiness and Miss Flower by Rumer Godden when I was about eight. I particularly wanted a baby boy doll, like Little Peach in the story, a mischievous baby boy who is found inside a peach stone.  So it really is true that all comes to he who waits, as my mother used to tell me constantly.  Grr!

My new Moomins’ Mug:

You may remember on one particularly fraught day in the holidays I broke my Thingumy and Bob mug, much beloved of me.  I ordered a new one, and accidentally pushed the ‘buy it now and don’t tell Jason for gawd’s sake’ button on this Hemulen mug.  The Hemulen is inspecting some spectacularly hairy creepy crawlies with his magnifying glass. I love he.

My new handbag:

How cool is this bag? It was only a tenner.  I snatched their hand off.  It is a child’s bag by Oilily, but it is roomy enough for my purse, phone, keys and a book, so what’s not to love? It attracted great attention in the playground yesterday afternoon when I went to pick up the girls.  I don’t know if I’m becoming an anarchic fashion icon of the playground or whether they humour me because I’m bonkers.  I don’t really care.

12 responses to “Catch up post of photos I promised:

  1. Ah, the evil genius of Mrs Jones! It is a truly lovely thing – does it reflect the light well? If it appears on her website I might well end up buying one – in fact if she turns it into earrings I am almost certain to buy a pair.

    Love the mug – I bought myself a f*** f*** f***ity f*** mug. I was thinking of taking it into work to replace Winnie the Pooh, as it sums up my state of mind so accurately, but someone else in the house always seems to be using it. It is probably not suitable for a house full of children.

    I like the bag too but it would be a step too far for me; I only possess black handbags, like I only possess black shoes. I have hesitated over a purple one, but couldn’t quite bring myself to buy it.

  2. I keep accidentally pressing the buy,buy,buy button too.Thorntons-half price;Emma Bridgewater-discontinued,therefore a necessity.I do like that bag very muchly,and the dolls are incredible.I’m not going to mention the evil Mrs Jones…but I just did.

  3. Alienne
    I think it is apt, if not suitable!

    I’ve not dared to look at the Bridgewater sale. Far too shiny.

  4. Ooooh, I love the bag!
    Mrs Jones should definitely start selling the snowflakes. Or maybe not.. I might be tempted to buy one if she does.

  5. Bev
    I knew you’d like it 🙂

  6. Oooh! Too, too yummy – all of it 😉

    I have a similar button on my computer but it says ‘what BB doesn’t know about doesn’t count’. And, as I do all the financial stuff, there’s quite a lot he doesn’t know about (evil cackle).

  7. Love the dolls – I had such a love affair with Miss Happiness and Miss Flower when I was young I finally tracked down a copy on eBay. And I’ve been sorely tempted by the Mommin mugs ever since you let me know they existed. Maybe my Buy Button will have to unleash itself.

  8. watchthatcheese

    Love the glass light catcher
    and strangely (because I never thought I would be attracted to Japanese dolls) I really love the Japanese dolls!
    But the handbag – so cool! I’ve always coveted stuff in kids shops, especially shoes, they usually have much cuter stuff than us grown ups.
    The Moomins are my most favourite books in the world. They first introduced me to magic, and made my heart ache. I will have to look in to a few purchases of the Moom variety myself when I get back.

  9. Dear All – shucks, thanks for your kind words. Earrings, eh? It’s a thought although they’ll have to be pretty small, still nothing to stop me experimenting… I’m doing heart-shaped ones at the moment and will be trying differently shaped stars as well but the kiln’s firing unevenly due to the really cold weather so they’re not perfect just yet.

    LOVE the handbag, I would’ve bought it too and I can remember reading a couple of Moomin books when little but never really got into them – perhaps I ought to try again…

  10. Sharon
    As long as he’s happy. You’re just saving him from anguish. It’s an act of charity.

    If it does, let me know which ones you succumb to.

    Welcome back. I love the dolls because they’re clearly not those touristy dolls you can’t play with. They have been properly loved.

    Mrs Jones
    I think you will really like the Moomins. They get quite dark and interesting.

  11. You are a wicked woman too Katy; I have just found myself ordering a moomin book from Amazon. And two of her adult books. (And Seven Pillars of Wisdom because our guide in Jordan knew more about Lawrence of Arabia than any of us, but I won’t hold you responsible for that).

  12. mwahahahahhahah! Thanks for letting me off the hook about lawrence though!

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