Happy Birthday, Tilly

You are 23 today, my Tilly.

You think I would have run out of things to say at this point, but honestly, I never run out of things to say to you. You are the easiest person in the world to talk to about anything at all, and we do mostly talk about anything and also everything.

Mainly it’s easy to say that I love you because every day where you are in the world I love you more. You are my person and I am so grateful (although I have a few other persons too, but we can talk about them another time. It’s your day, today.)

This year has seen you get to uni to study fine art (which I have not so secretly been hoping for for you for a long time now). It is wonderful to see you flourish and thrive there. Your imagination is a thing of wonder and a joy forever and I am so very happy that you are so very happy.

Your enthusiasm for life is so infectious. I love that not only are you finally at uni but after all these years you are also doing things you dreamed about doing when you were younger. Roller derby, dungeons and dragons, pole dancing, climbing hills, whatever it is isn’t really the point. The point is that no matter what it is, you think about doing it and then you find a way to do it. You embrace life and in return, life embraces you. I cannot wait to see what things you end up doing next.

Whether you’re driving about with a mouse eating stale bread in the cup holder in your car, or dressing up as a giant dandelion, or joining a band, you never cease to live life to the very fullest and weirdest and it’s bloody wonderful. And thank you for sharing it with me sometimes. I love our running away days so much. I hope I’m allowed always and forever.

I wish you the very best day. I actually hope that every day turns out to be your best day, because you deserve it. I am so grateful that you chose me as your mum when there were all those other mums to choose from. Thank you for making every one of the 23 years you’ve been hanging out on this planet with me a gift. It’s me that is supposed to give you the gift but honestly, you’re one of the best presents I ever received.

I love you with all my heart. I wish there was another word that would sum up what that actually means, but this little word will have to do to represent the huge, squidgy awe of it all.

Happy Birthday my darling girl.

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